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Roberta Di Pietro

Gabriele d’Annunzio University, Italy


Roberta Di Pietro has obtained her degree in Medicine cum Laude in 1985 and the Specialization in Sports Medicine cum Laude in 1988 from University of Chieti, Italy. She has worked as a Visiting Scientist at the Biochemistry Department, AFRC, UK, at the Pathology Department, USUHS, USA and at the Institute of Human Virology, University of Maryland, USA. In 2005, she became Full Professor of Histology and Embryology at the University of Chieti. She has joined the Editorial Board of Current Pharmaceutical Design as an Executive Guest Editor and recently, the Editorial Academy of the International Journal of Oncology as an Honorary Member. She is an author of 176 scientific publications plus international e-book chapters, editorials, Italian textbooks and 1 Italian patent.


Abstract : Mapping of the human amniotic membrane: A morpho-functional study to better understand amniotic membrane stem cells regenerative capacity