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Peter Chapman-Smith

NZ Stem Cell Treatment Centre, New Zealand


Peter Chapman-Smith is the founder and Director of the NZ Stem Cell Treatment Centre providing Regenerative Medicine with SVF in New Zealand. As an affiliate member of the Los Angeles based Cell Surgical Network, he contributes to their multicentre multinational safety and efficacy trial that has been running since July 2010. After graduating in Otago NZ in 1976, he was a family doctor and delivering obstetrician for 24 years, worked in anaesthesia for 10 years, and a long standing interest in sports medicine. For the last 20 years he has practised as an Appearance Medicine physician performing tumescent liposuction, skin cancer surgery, and extensively in phlebology doing nonsurgical varicose vein procedures. A registered laser practitioner, he performs regular duplex ultrasound assessment for venous procedures. He works in a private medical clinic in Northland New Zealand.


Abstract : Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells for low back pain- the New Zealand experience