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Michael Weber

International Society for Medical laser Applications, Germany


Michael Weber completed his Diploma in Chemistry and Biochemistry from the University of Marburg in Germany and Medical studies from University of Göttingen,Germany. From 1974-1976, he was High School Teacher in Chemistry, Biology and Physics. From 1984-1987, he was Assistant Doctor at University clinic of Göttingen. He is authorized Educator for general medicine, natural medicine and acupuncture by the government medical association in Hannover, Lower Saxony.He is a President of the American Association of Biological Laser Therapy and Acupuncture (AALA) and President of the International Society for Medical Laser Applications (ISLA). He is a Board Member of NAALT (North American Association for Laser Therapy) and Co-editor of the Journal "Pain and Acupuncture".


Abstract : External and invasive laser stimulation of intravenously and intra-articulary applied mesenchymal stem cells and PRP in regenerative medicine