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Andrzej Lange

Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland


Andrzej Lange has graduated with a Medical degree with distinction from the Medical School in Wrocław, Poland. Currently, he is a Professor in the Institute and Founder and Head of the Lower Silesia Center of Cellular Transplantation in Wrocław. His international experience started as a Leverhulme Fellow in the Middlesex Hospital Medical School, London. During 8 year period, he used to spend three months yearly as a Visiting Scientist in the Institute of Experimental Medicine and Biology in Borstel, Germany. He has been a Short Term-Visitor and lectured in a number of European and North American scientific institutions. He is author of 239 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals.


Abstract : Intra-bone route of donor lymphocyte infusion favors anti-leukemic allo-reactivity not increasing the risk of acute GvHD