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Dennis M Lox

Sports and Regenerative Medicine Centers, USA

Title: Sports medicine: Stem cells in the OA and AVN patient


Biography: Dennis M Lox


The use of regenerative medicine applications such as stem cell therapies may have a common thread in the management of sports medicine patients. Trauma is a precipitating event in sports for the development of early onset osteoarthritis, as well as avascular necrosis (AVN). An understanding of the underlying pathophysiological processes involved in both post traumatic osteoarthritis (OA) and avascular necrosis (AVN) may direct treatment towards the use of regenerative medicine and stem cells. The progression of post traumatic osteoarthritis and AVN after sports injuries may direct early treatment methodologies towards a regenerative model, rather than a time sensitive progressive degenerative cascade. Case representations will demonstrate a parallel tract for the investigation and management of sports medicine patients who are at risk for, or developed post-traumatic osteoarthritis, and those with avascular necrosis (AVN).