Hongman Wang
Peking University Health Science Center, China
Title: Social collaboration network analysis of English literature on animal-derived regenerative implantable medical devices
Biography: Hongman Wang
The collaboration network of English publications on animal-derived regenerative implantable medical devices based on tissue engineering technology and its evolving processes and current states were mapped in this paper. 10159 English papers published before 1st January 2015 were obtained in eight databases. Social network analysis was conducted on these papers by utilizing UCINET software and Statistical Analysis Software for Informetrics (SASI) researched and developed by Peking University. The collaboration network has evolved from scattered formation to single-core dominated, and then to a core-edge one. Collaboration has become more frequent and wider. Network density and centrality have decreased. USA, UK and China are the top three countries with Wake Forest University, Harvard University and Tufts University being the top three contributing institutions cooperated mostly during the period during 2010 to 2014. In conclusion, more collaboration among different institutions and countries is needed. Edge institutions and developing countries should expand their scope of collaboration.