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Efi Roboti

University of Athens, Greece

Title: Female genital and vaginal rejuvenation by infusion of adipose mesenchymal stem cells


Biography: Efi Roboti


Women today live almost half their lives in menopause. Post-menopausal women, those who had breast cancer, cervical and uterine cancer and ovarian cancer have intense symptoms of atrophy after chemotherapy, radiotherapy or pharmaceutically induced early menstruation cessation i.e. dryness, a burning feeling, irritation, painful intercourse and frequent urinary tract infections. The rejuvenation of their genitalia and the vagina will help to dramatically improve the quality of their lives. Our aim is to prove that the infusion of mesenchymal stem cells contained in adipose tissue has an important contribution and long-term results: In appearance and function of the skin and mucosa of the external female genitals and the vagina; to reduce pain in women with dyspareunia; at the entrance of the vagina showing thinning of the epithelium and
adhesions of granulation tissue; to reduce urinary incontinence (from stress incontinence) and the improvement or treatment of lichen sclerosus of the vulva to restore the quality of life and sexual function in the affected women.