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Triin Vasar

Hospital of Reconstructive Surgery, Estonia

Title: Fat crafting for treatement of complicated wounds: Case report


Biography: Triin Vasar


Our experience includes treating complicated wounds with fat crafting and stromal vascular fracture (SVF). Treatment of diabetic, trophic and posttraumatic lower limb wounds/ulcers can be sometimes difficult due to their location, infection and compromised vascularity of the limb. Usually, wound/ulcer is infected with multiple resistant bacteria and blood supply to the affected area is poor and those patients have been already offered amputation. Fat crafting improves vascularization of wound/ulcer, more efficient infection control, minimal postoperative scaring and sometimes salvage of the limb. Hence, patient can return to their everyday life with no limitations. In this case report: A 30-year old male patient, who was involved in motorcycle accident in the year 2012 was considered. He suffered unstable left knee injury-total rupture of knees ligaments with injury of popliteal artery. Due to delayed diagnosis of arterial injury, patient developed ischemic contracture of foot and ankle. In 2014, the patient underwent a surgery for correcting ankle position, which was complicated with wound dehiscence, tissue loss, infection and exposure of bone. Due to compromised vascularity the traditional treatment methods were insufficient and unusable. Patient was treated with one session of SVF enriched fat grafting, two months later extra fat grafting procedures and skin grafting. It was observed that, 6 months later the defect healed with minimal scaring and patient returned to normal everyday life.