Christopher L. Antos
Technische Universität Dresden
Christopher Antos, a Group Leader (Ph.D. Cell and Molecular Biology), who heads his laboratory at the DFG-Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden, an Excellence Cluster at the Technische Universität Dresden. He got his Ph.D. at Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, University of Texas (UTSW) and subsequently pursued a post-doctoral fellowship at the Max-Planck Institute for Developmental Biology in Tübingen, Germany, where he started researching regeneration biology using zebrafish as a model. Current research in Dr. Antos’s lab is focused on the molecular biology that regulates progenitor cell behavior during regeneration of zebrafish structures: principally, what is involved in inducing cells in the residual stump tissues to become progenitor cells and what is involved in instructing these progenitor cells to grow and pattern correctly. From this work, his lab uncovered that the previously uncharacterized molecule Smp is required for progenitor cell participation in regeneration and embryonic development is involved in the Wnt signal transduction by regulating β-catenin nuclear localization.