Al Sears
Palm Beach Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine
Title: Cracking the telomere code: The first step to reverse aging
Biography: Al Sears
This lecture explores the discovery of the telomerase enzyme and its role as a crucial indicator of health and longevity. By tracing the evolution of telomere research, including the landmark Harvard study that fully restored youthful function in mice by activating the telomerase enzyme, Dr. Sears unveils the true age-reversing, and health-transforming potential of telomere therapy and the capacity to influence gene expression through novel interventions. As one of the only medical doctors to administer the world’s first telomere therapy, Dr. Sears relates its effects on his own patients, and how his own research uncovered new, more effective ways of supporting telomere length and altering telomere biology. Three learner objectives. By the end of the lecture, participants will understand: • The evidence that supports the telomere’s role as the true cause of aging. • What factors cause the telomere to shorten, and the most reliable interventions to support telomere length. • How the search for telomerase activators uncovered new, more powerful and more affordable means of affecting telomere regulation.