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Renowned Speakers

Tissue Science Congress 2019, Regenerative medicine 2019, Tissue Science Conferences

Claire Henchcliffe

Weill Cornell Medical Center USA

Tissue Science Congress 2019, Regenerative medicine 2019, Tissue Science Conferences

Sergey Suchkov

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University Russia

Tissue Science Congress 2019, Regenerative medicine 2019, Tissue Science Conferences

Nadia Benkirane-Jessel

Inserm - French National Institute of Health and Medical Research France

Tissue Science Congress 2019, Regenerative medicine 2019, Tissue Science Conferences

Tanongsak Panyawirunroj

Asia Cosmetic Hospital Thailand

Tissue Science Congress 2019, Regenerative medicine 2019, Tissue Science Conferences

Denis Butnaru

Institute for Regenerative Medicine Russia

Tissue Science Congress 2019, Regenerative medicine 2019, Tissue Science Conferences

Debra Webster

Cardinal Health Regulatory Sciences USA

Tissue Science Congress 2019, Regenerative medicine 2019, Tissue Science Conferences

Alain Chapel

Institute of Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) France

Tissue Science Congress 2019, Regenerative medicine 2019, Tissue Science Conferences

Susan Chubinskaya

Rush University USA

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About Conference

Conference Series extends warm invitation to all the participants across the globe to attend 10th International Conference On Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine during November 18th-19th, 2019 in Berlin, Germany which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions.

Tissue Science Congress 2019 is an unprecedented event designed for international medical health professionals and tissue scientists to facilitate the propagation and application of research findings related to the science of regeneration and all the associated research areas. The conference invites participants from universitiesclinical research institutions and pharmaceutical companies to share their research experiences on all aspects of this rapidly expanding field and thereby, providing a showcase of the latest techniques.

Reasons to Attend

Edifying public with recent advances in tissue science and all the associated research areas from around the world, this is your single best opportunity to reach the largest congregation of participants. World-renowned speakers, the most recent techniques and the newest updates in Tissue Science and all the associated research areas are pledges of this conference. Conferences, National symposium and Workshops provide a steadfast forum for the advancement, execution and exchange of information about the research done in the labs.

Who Can Attend?

  • Tissue scientists
  • Doctors
  • Prosthetic surgeons
  • Scientists
  • Oncologists
  • Industry professionals
  • Diagnostic laboratory professionals
  • Postgraduate students
  • Postdoctoral fellows
  • Trainees 
  • Stem cell researchers.

Session Tracks

  • Tissue Engineering
  • Tissue Regeneration and Nanotechnology
  • Tissue Culture & Preservation
  • Grafts In Tissue Engineering
  • Bone and Cartilage Tissue Engineering
  • Regenerative Medicine
  • Bio materials in Regenerative Medicine
  • Regenerative Rehabilitation
  • Bio Imaging & Bio printing Tissues and Organs
  • Scaffolds and Matrix for Tissue regeneration
  • Bioreactors in Tissue Engineering
  • Immunotherapy
  • Stem Cells: Culture, Differentiation and Transplantation
  • Applications of Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine


Market Analysis

Market Analysis

Regenerative medicine is one of the fastest growing markets with huge market potential, and deals with the treatment of chronic diseases, which remained incurable earlier. Cell therapy using live cells is widely used to replace damaged cells, deliver therapies to target tissues/organs, stimulate self-healing, and various other applications in regenerative medicine.Stem cell therapies, a segment of cell-based therapy, hold huge market potential to revolutionize the treatment modality for regenerating or repairing diseased organs. Advancement in regenerative technologies has fuelled the commercial applications of stem cells in the world regenerative medicine market. Similar to stem cell therapies, biomaterials and tissue engineering are also gaining popularity.

On the other hand, bioprinting shows a steady progress, owing to the increasing demand for engineered tissues and organs. Three-dimensional bioprinting is the process of culturing cells or other biocompatible materials to build tissues and organs. These three-dimensional biofabrication strategies mimic the features of the original tissue and organs, and can potentially replace them, thus curing the diseased or damaged parts of the patient’s body.Currently, extensive R&D activities are carried out for regenerative medicine employing novel technologies, as these products have the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry with the ultimate goal to produce complex internal organs such as liver, kidneys, and heart.

Target Audience:

Industry        40%

Academia     50%

Others          10%


In Japan, there is extensive research which is going on regenerative medicine, Stem cells and biobanking. The regenerative medicine market in Japan will grow at a CAGR of 35.3% during the period 2018-2020. 


Past Conference Report

Tissue Science Congress 2018:

We had successfully hosted the 9th International Conference on Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine during November 12-13, 2018 at Singapore. The conference focused on the theme “Exploring the frontiers in Tissue Science and Medicine”. The conference was successful in bringing together renowned speakers from various reputed organizations and their paramount talks enlightened the gathering.

The pragmatic meet organized by our management received generous response from the academia, talented researchers & young student community. Researchers and students who attended from different parts of the world made their valuable contribution to make it a successful event. The conference was marked with the presence of eminent Speakers, Young Researchers, Students & Business Delegates driving the event into the path of success with thought provoking keynote & plenary presentations.

The Conference focused on recent developments in the field of Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine and the meeting engrossed in knowledgeable discussions on novel subjects like:

·Tissue Engineering
·Oncology and study
·Biomaterials and Bioengineering
·Cell and Organ Regeneration
·Biotechnology and nanotechnology in stem cells
·Tissue Repair and Regeneration
·Soft Tissue Replacement
·Stem Cell Bioprocessing
·Regenerative Rehabilitation
·Anti-Aging, Regenerative and functional Medicine
·Stem Cell Treatments
·Biomedical Engineering Techniques
·Artificial Organs
·Applications of Tissue Engineering
·Tissue Repair and Regeneration
·Stem Cell Treatments
·Bio Banking
·Cellular and gene Therapies
·Bone Tissue Engineering
·Gene and Immunotherapy
·Regenerative Medicine Market


Started by Title :”Prevalence of Bacterial Cerebrospinal Meningitis in Infants Attending Federal Medical Center BIRNIN KEBBI And INVITRO ANTIBIOTIC Sensitivity Test” by Abdullah Al-Mamari Edna Adan University, Somaliland

The proceedings of the conference were embarked with an opening ceremony followed by Symposium and a series of Lectures delivered by both Honorable Guests and members of the Keynote forum. The adepts who promulgated the theme with their exquisite talks were:

Keynote forum:

Eman Khalifa, Alexandria University, Egypt

Gomathi Swaminathan, J.K.K.Nattraja College of Pharmacy, India

Donald Kuah, Sydney Sportsmed Specialists

With the encouragement from the excellent feedback from the participants and supporters of Tissue Science Congress 2019, Conference Series LLC Ltd is glad to announce “10th International Conference on Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine” during September 23rd-24th, 2019 Japan, Tokyo.

                                        Let us meet again @ Tissue Science Congress 2019


To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date 2019-11-18

For Sponsors & Exhibitors


Speaker Opportunity

Day 1

Supported By

Journal of Tissue Science & Engineering Open Access Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy, Open access Journal of Regenerative Medicine, Hybrid open access

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by

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